just a little Scrappin' FUN

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Scrap By Numbers Challenge (Week Four)

For this week's challenge, you may create up to THREE layouts.

To gain points, you may use any of the following techniques or items (yes, some are deliberately "old" style):

-patterned paper mixing
-monochromatic layout
- 4 or more photos
-photo corners
-silk flowers

Here's the catch. Each of these items has a point value, but that point value is a SURPRISE!! Even I don't know how much each technique or item is worth, because the point values will be determined by rolling a die for each item on the list AT THE END of the week! So until Saturday, you won't know which technique is worth six points, and which is worth only one!

What does that mean? Well, as you finish layouts this week, (up to three), send them to me or Jill along with a list of the techniques you used - you may use as many as you like on any given layout! We will post your layout, and its techniques on the blog. After the deadline (Midnight, EST on Friday) I'll go back and assign point values to each layout and tally up the points!

Good luck, and happy scrappin!

(Personal PS - I am in charge of VBS for my church. VBS starts next Sunday. I'm going to be CRAZY busy all week, but especially Saturday. So if layouts are slow to upload, or points slow to be tallied next week, you'll know why, and hopefully be forgiving! TIA, Jenn K)


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